Safeguarding: Museums, Libraries and Archives

A whole system, outcomes-based, accountability model for your safeguarding improvement journey through review, observation and audit to critically evaluate standards which is challenging and detailed with purposeful actions.

How we deliver for you

  • In depth review of the policies, practices, culture, monitoring and evaluation of safeguarding within your organisation
  • Qualitative data gathered through interviews with leaders, managers and staff within service provision and leadership across the organisation
  • Review practice and processes used to notify safeguarding concerns and incidents within the organisation as well as the referral of concerns of need, harm and risk to senior leaders and to the relevant statutory body
  • We will look to audit a limited number of recorded and notified incidents to understand organisational knowledge, awareness and confidence
  • Training provision will be tested for appropriateness, relevance and quality
  • We will review engagement, participation and employment strategies as well as inclusion and diversity activities
  • We will consider available performance data relating to the identification, recording and reporting of safeguarding issues
  • Consider the relationships with external organisations who may use or hire parts of your estate
  • Present and report findings and recommendations.

Nigel Boulton


Nigel is the original designer of the multi agency safeguarding hub (MASH). Nigel served as a Police officer and has over 35 years of experience in organisational leadership, management and innovation together with a strong background in safeguarding professional practice…

How you benefit

Get an evaluation of safeguarding within your organisation
Children pointing upwards